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  Glossary Of Giclee Terms [6]
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Underexposed  In photography, exposure relates to the amount of light that was allowed to affect the image, either through the viewfinder of the camera, or in the darkroom during film development.

An underexposed image will have less light than an average image (generally considered too too, though some artists deliberately underexpose their images). Underexposure tends to make an image greyer, obscuring details in areas that were already quite dark.

Underpinner  A machine, generally operated manually with pneumatic assistance, that is used to join picture frame length moulding in the construction of the frame. The mitered corners of two moulding pieces are set together on the machine to create a 90 degree angle. When a lever or button is pressed, a foot is lowered to hold the pieces down, while V-nails or other fasteners are forced into the underside of the wood, holding the corner together.

Order online: Underpinner Wedge Nails
United Inch  United inches is a term used in the framing industry to describe the size of a print for the purpose of pricing. The number of united inches in any given image is the sum of its length and its width (one side only for each). Thus, in effect, it represents 1/2 the perimeter of the print. For example, an image that is 10 x 20 has 30 united inches, and a 24 x 36 inch print has 60 united inches.
Unprimed Canvas  An artist's canvas that has not been treated with a clear or white primer. As a result, when the paint is applied, it is readily absorbed into the fibers of the canvas, affecting the appearance. Though whether or not to use unprimed canvas is the choice of the artist, in the case of oil painting unprimed canvas can be problematic, since the oil paints will cause the raw canvas to rot. In addition to creating a smoother surface for the paint, primer protects the canvas from the elements.

Order online: Artist Canvas
Unprimed Canvas
UV  Ultraviolet light. UV rays are beyond the visible spectrum of humans. UV radiation comes from a variety of sources, including the sun, lamps, LEDs, lasers, etc.
UV-Curable Printers  Printers that use inks which are cured by UV light prior to exiting the printer. The result is color that is more durable and requires less protection. The inks can also print directly onto foam core, poster board and other rigid surfaces. Critics of this relatively new process feel color intensity is lost.

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