THX The art has arrived! It looks great. I’ll send you a pic once it’s installed. Thanks for all your assistance through the proofing and ordering process!
Have a great day,
Heli, | WOW! Thank you... I Have just rec'd my second order of canvas prints. WOW! Thank you so very much for the excellent quality, rapid delivery and helpful guidance. I could never have dreamed for such professional and expedient service.
Dive Diva Photography
Ronda, Vernon | prompt service!! Good morning!
I just got a call from FedEx this morning, the frame I ordered from you has arrived!
I'll pick it up at their center tomorrow which will work just fine for me.
Thank you so much for your prompt service!!
Best wishes,
Anne, | excellent service... Thank you for your excellent service, and prompt responses on questions and issues! Your service level is excellent and the quality of he products is as well, and I will definitely be using your services again!
Thank you!
Carina Lamont, Stockholm |